Manufacturing Services!
Tortillaworld provides quality training, consulting and advice services with resources and solutions, a one stop shop for the tortilla and snack Industry Call us Toll Free at 1-800-335-Tortilla (8678) to hire one of our experienced Tortillaworld consultants
Sells printed FDA approved packaging!
Tortillaworld sells quality made printed poly and polypropylene pre-made bags, paper and film roll-stock commonly used in the tortilla, tortilla chips, wraps, flat-bread and chapatti Industry with great pricing and performance guarantee. All of our products are premium quality FDA registered, ISO 9001 registered and AIB certified
click here for packaging page
TortillaTek MAX CONCENTRATED 800 SILICON PLUS non-stick liquid silicone is NOT an INGRDIENT or an ADDITIVE. It’s a non-toxic, non-corrosive, high temperature, processing aid product formulated with food grade silicone oils and natural derived emulsifiers that meet the FDA guidelines. It’s classified by the NSF as H3 and developed specifically to meet the needs of the tortilla, wraps, flat-bread and chapatti manufactures eliminate product from sticking to their oven (slat belts/comales) without effecting the taste, color, odor and quality of their products
- MAX concentrated dilute with water: 12 + 1= 13
- one application lasts up to *12 hours
- high temperature and odorless
- export quality, NSF registered & Kosher certified
- Improves product quality by allowing uniform cooking of tortillas
- reduce oven slat belt maintenance time & costs
- Available in 2-5 liter jugs and 5 US gallon pails (18.9 L.) READY-TO-USE MAX 800 SILICONE PLUS
- Ready-To-Use & Easy-To-Apply
- export quality, NSF registered & Kosher certified
- Improves product quality by allowing uniform cooking of tortillas
- reduction in oven slat belt maintenance time & costs
- Available in 5 US gallon pails. (18.9 L.)
TortillaTek Ready-To-Use (RTU) graphite based oven chain lubricant was developed to lubricate and eliminate squeaky and noisy chains on tortilla, wraps, flat-bread & chapatti oven slat belt chains by inhibiting friction reducing maintenance time and replacement costs while providing superior protection that leaves a dry film without producing smoke when applied
- Eco-friendly & Ready-To-Use
- high temperature and odorless
- eliminates squeaky & noisy oven slat belt chains up to *12 hrs.
- export quality, NSF registered & Kosher certified
- reduce oven slat belt chain replacement costs
- Available in 5 US Gallon pails. (18.9 L.)
Services offered!
- Assist with facility designs & plant layouts
- Assist with product flow
- Assist in downtime reduction
- Assist improving efficiencies of your production
- Assist with processing design & procedures
- Assist in reducing manufacturing waste
- Assist with plant expansions
- Assist in process automation
- Hands on training at your facility
- Advise on equipment for your production needs
- Advise choosing packaging equipment
*Benefits for Industry Suppliers
Sponsoring Tortillaworld will provide your company with instant worldwide exposure and traffic to tortilla Industry decision makers and professionals worldwide. We offer three levels of sponsorship’s, *Gold, *Silver & *Bronze tailored for your company needs. Pricing and benefits are in the supplier media kit flyer which is in the suppliers icon under the become a member tab on top. Scroll down to the bottom left hand side. Open the Tortillaworld suppliers media kit flyer PDF file. Print on both sides of paper and then fold in the middle. Flyer includes pricing and benefits for all levels. All 3 levels of Tortillaworld sponsorship’s are considered a tax detectable form of advertisement and will give your company Instant exposure & traffic monthly to thousands of tortilla Industry decision makers & professionals worldwide in the Tortilla Industry’s #1 Premier on-line classifieds website,