Note: To give you a 100% accurate price instead of an estimate on any tortilla oven or equipment replacement bearing. Tortillaworld™ recommends if possible send us a used bearing so we can match it. If not, send us pictures and answers to the questions below at the bottom of the page where it says to submit comments with your name, name of company & contact information. 

  1. Make, model & year of oven?
  2. 2, 4 or 6-row corn or flour tortilla oven?
  3. Width of slat belt shaft?
  4. Size of bearing?
  5. Brand of bearing being replaced.
  6. What # is on the bearing?
  7. Bearing specifications: with pillow block bearings, product selection is based on, Shaft diameter, Shaft height, Shaft size, maximum speed & maximum load.
  8. Housing Material: Bearing housing protects the bearings during operation as well as providing a mechanism for the bearing to be secured while in use. Pillow block housing can be made from a variety of materials with different properties. aluminum, cast iron, pressed steel, plastic, nylon, PTFE, acetal polymers & stainless steel.
  9. Bearing Material: The material the bearing is made of has a significant effect on the performance of the bearing unit. steel, stainless steel, sintered metals, graphite-metal alloy & plastic.
  10. Shaft Securing Method: Pillow block insert bearings with setscrew and locking collar. setscrew bearings have setscrews for securing the inner ring to a shaft.
  11. Locking collar bearings have a lock-nut for securing the inner ring to a shaft. 


  • $TBD. USD.
  • Plus shipping.
  • No Tax except for Illinois.
  • Allow 7 to 14 days for shipping.

Pictures & video are below if available

Click on pictures below for descriptions

Send comments below. 

Call us Toll Free at 1-800-335-Tortilla (8678) ext. 101 or direct at 773-882-2308

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Precio no incluye embalaje o flete.

Para mas informacion, precios y ventas en México, contacte a nuestro representate commercial de Tortillaworld™ en México, El Sr. Herminio (mini) Garza García de San Nicolás de Los Garzas, Nuevo León al 811-034-4581, En EE.UU. 331-201-1924 o lláme sin costo a nuestro 1-800-335-Tortilla (8678) ext. 104 

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